Seminars & Events

MPS: Davide Coda – Cell type and locus-specific epigenetic editing of memory expression

Max Planck Seminar
David Coda is a HPFS postdoctoral researcher in the Graeff lab at EPFL, where he has been working since 2019. He completed his PhD at the Francis Crick Institute, UK, under the supervision of Dr. Caroline Hill. Davide Coda has a long-standing interest in epigenetics, with his early research focusing on its role in cell fate specification and development. Currently, his work investigates the epigenetic mechanisms underpinning learning and memory, combining his expertise in epigenetics with molecular neuroscience. His projects employ in vivo CRISPR-based editing approaches alongside advanced NGS techniques to uncover novel insights into these processes. [more]

TriRhena Gene Regulation Club in Strasbourg

The tri-national "Gene Regulation Club" is a half-day symposium that brings together chromatin, epigenetics, and transcription groups from within the Strasbourg (IGBMC), Freiburg (MPI-IE), and Basel (FMI) area. With an informal but high-quality atmosphere, the meeting aims to foster discussion and inspire new and strengthen existing collaborations. The meeting encourages PhD students and Postdocs to present their work. [more]

MPS: Wayo Matsushima – tba.

Max Planck Seminar
Wayo Matsushima is an EMBO/JSPS Postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Didier Trono at EPFL. He studies regulatory evolution driven by transposable elements. [more]

SGS: Mounia Lagha - tba.

Max Planck Special Guest Lecture Series
The Lagha lab uses quantitative imaging to uncover the mechanisms regulating gene expression in space and time during development [more]

Forschung höchstpersönlich mit Valérie Hilgers: RNA-Prozesse im Nervensystem. Für ein besseres Verständnis von neurologischen Erkrankungen

Forschung höchstpersönlich
Started in 2012 at the MPI-IE, the “Forschung höchstpersönlich” talk series offers a platform for our scientists to present their research to non-scientific staff, enhancing understanding and collaboration. Held quarterly and conducted in German, the talks are hosted by the institute's Public Relations Office, fostering a deeper connection within the institute. [more]

Forschung höchstpersönlich: tba

Forschung höchstpersönlich
Started in 2012 at the MPI-IE, the “Forschung höchstpersönlich” talk series offers a platform for our scientists to present their research to non-scientific staff, enhancing understanding and collaboration. Held quarterly and conducted in German, the talks are hosted by the institute's Public Relations Office, fostering a deeper connection within the institute. [more]

Forschung höchstpersönlich mit Ulrike Boenisch & Thomas Manke: Tiefensequenzierung: Wie wir die Geheimnisse unseres Erbguts entschlüsseln

Forschung höchstpersönlich
Started in 2012 at the MPI-IE, the “Forschung höchstpersönlich” talk series offers a platform for our scientists to present their research to non-scientific staff, enhancing understanding and collaboration. Held quarterly and conducted in German, the talks are hosted by the institute's Public Relations Office, fostering a deeper connection within the institute. [more]

Forschung höchstpersönlich mit Valentin Flury: tba.

Forschung höchstpersönlich
Started in 2012 at the MPI-IE, the “Forschung höchstpersönlich” talk series offers a platform for our scientists to present their research to non-scientific staff, enhancing understanding and collaboration. Held quarterly and conducted in German, the talks are hosted by the institute's Public Relations Office, fostering a deeper connection within the institute. [more]
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