Selection process

Admission to IMPRS-EBM is highly competitive and carried out via a centralized selection procedure, divided into four steps: Evaluation of applications, pre-scan online interviews, online panel assessment, and in-person interview days in Freiburg.

Evaluation of applications

All applications received by the deadline and accompanied by three references undergo two levels of evaluation. First, they are checked for completeness and fulfillment of our requirements. In the next step we evaluate your grades, your letter of motivation and statement of research interest, CV, English language skills and references. We also look at any additional certificates you provided. Based on this information we generate a shortlist of promising candidates for the video interviews. Within approximately 4 weeks of the application deadline we will inform you if you are invited for a video interview.

Pre-Scan Online Interviews

The video interviews will be conducted by two faculty members and the IMPRS Coordinator. This is an important step to get to know the candidates better and to help us make a decision about the invitation to the online panel interviews. After the completion of all video interviews we will issue the invitations for the online panel interviews.

Online Panel Assessment

Panel interviews will be 30 minutes per candidate with a panel of recruiting and non-recruiting IMPRS faculty and students. Topics can include questions about your research and general science questions relating to themes relevant in the framework of the program. The panel interview will also include a discussion of a scientific article we will provide you ahead of the interviews.

Final Interview (onsite in Freiburg)

Depending on the number of positions available in each round (usually around 10) we invite the best candidates to Freiburg.

During this final interview, candidates have the opportunity to present their own work and get to know our faculty and students. In individual interviews with group leaders the offered projects can be discussed. The decision on admission to the program is made by the selection committee consisting of recruiting group leaders and the IMPRS Coordinator.

Offers to join IMPRS-EBM are made within 1 week of the interviews.

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