
Organization principles of tissue-resident immune cell networks

Mast cell networks

Tissue-resident mast cells (cyan) are abundant in the mouse skin, where individual cells distribute homogeneously throughout the dermis, localizing in the interstitial space between nerve bundles, hair follicles, fat cells and various blood vessel types (blue, red). Thus, the whole population of dermal mast cells covers and surveys the entire tissue.

Mast cell networks

Tissue-resident mast cells (yellow) are abundant in the mouse skin, where individual cells distribute homogeneously throughout the dermis, localizing in the interstitial space between lymphatic vessels (green) and various blood vessel types (blue, red).

Macrophage Network

Tissue-resident macrophages (red) and some sparely distributed dendritic cells (yellow) fill the dermis of the mouse skin, localizing in the interstitial space nerve bundles, hair follicles, fat cells and various blood vessel types (blue).
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