More space for „little scientists“
New building for MPI-IE childcare facility opened
On March 20, the great day has arrived: the childcare facility “little scientists” at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics (MPI-IE) has moved to its new home. The relocation – as before in close proximity to the institute – into the modern wooden pavilion with its big garden now allows the facility’s extension for children between 3 and 6 years of age. This ensures that children can remain in the facility from the age of 6 months to 6 years until they leave for school. In total, the facility offers 10 day-nursery and 20 kindergarden places.
As a starting gift, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jenuwein, Managing Director of the MPI-IE, handed out two microscopes to the facility. These should enable the children to explore the world’s smallest things. The “little scientists” themselves brought – together with their educators – their selfmade paper-volcano to life.
With the movement into the new rooms and the extension towards a kindergarden group, the MPI-IE significantly contributes to a better compatibility of family and career. In addition, the service is optimally adjusted to the international environment of the institute: German and English native speaking educators care for the children, opening hours are very flexible and very limited holiday closing-days support the parents. In order to assist its employees, the MPI-IE partially bears emerging costs.
As previous to the relocation, the experienced organization “Concept Maternel” will run the childcare facility. Concept Maternel runs nine childcare facilities in and around Freiburg with a total of 300 places. Its pedagogic concept focuses on the principles of Pikler, Montessori and Freinet.
Property owner and construction client is the Max Planck Society. Besides this, the project was financially supported by the federal government and by the city of Freiburg. The area with a total of 1500 square meters is in close vicinity to the MPI-IE. The pavilion provides 500 square meters of space for several playgroups and the garden area offers climbing, sliding and other exiting elements. In case of higher capacity needs within the next few years, the building can be extended by a second floor.