Videos: Forschung höchstpersönlich
The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. Here you can find videos captured during the talks.
Forschung höchstpersönlich – Tim Lämmermann
Group Leader Dr. Tim Lämmermann gives comprehensive insights in his research topic
Forschung höchstpersönlich - Thomas Manke
Dr. Thomas Manke is head of the Bioinformatics unit at the MPI of Immunobiology and Epigenetics. He is interested in the bioinformatic analysis of genomic and epigenomic data.
Forschung höchstpersönlich - Andreas Würch
Andreas Würch is heading the research facility for Flow cytometry and DNA sequencing. In this talk he describes techniques and principles, such cells can be sorted and counted by measuring and analyzing their physical and molecular characteristics.
Forschung höchstpersönlich - Dominic Grün
Dominic Grün is group leader at the MPI-IE. He and his team at the institute investigate how stem cells robustly maintain their pluripotent state and reliably execute differentiation programs with spatial and temporal precision.