Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Vortragender: Emmanouil Dermitzakis Gastgeber: Ritwick Sawarkar

Emmanouil Dermitzakis - Contribution of non-coding DNA to complex disease and cancer

Max Planck Special Guest Lecture Series
Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis is Professor at the Department of Genetic Medicineand Development (University of Geneva Medical School, Switzerland). In his lab on Functional Population Genomics and Genetics of Complex Traits Laboratory he and his team are focussing on genome-wide analysis of gene expression variation and cellular phenotypes and association with nucleotide variation with a focus on disease susceptibility. Emmanouil joins the MPI-IE Special Guest Lecture Series with a talk on “Contribution of non-coding DNA to complex disease and cancer”. The talks takes place in the Main Lecture Hall of the institute on October 12, 2017 – starting 1pm. [mehr]
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