Deep Sequencing Facility
An important pillar for standardized, high-throughput, data production according to international quality standards is automated sample handling.
To this multiple systems are in place, all tailored to the specific needs of the sequencing unit:
- Liquid handling systems (Biomek, Beckman and Coulter) Assays for sample preparation (RELACS) as well as library preparation for RNA (mRNA-Seq, total RNA-Seq, low input mRNA-Seq) and DNA (ChIP-Seq, WGS) have been extensively tested and implemented on the liquid handling system. Any protocol that reaches a certain level of maturity (high frequency usage) will be scripted for the liquid handling system. Researchers profit from reproducible and high-throughput sequence data production.
- Laboratory Management System (Parkour; Anatskiy et al., 2019) The LIMS (laboratory informatics management system) streamlines the typical sequencing workflow: Sample submission and entrance quality control, automated index generation for both fast and most economic sequencing, library preparation, library quality control, library pooling and instrument loading. The LIMS functions as central documentation, work management and quality assurance tool.
- Data processing pipelines, provided by the Bioinformatics Facility

Left: Laboratory Management System “Parkour”. Middle, Right: Liquid handling (Biomek i7)