Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Raum: Main Lecture Hall Gastgeber: Marcus Rockoff (public relations)

Forschung höchstpersönlich mit Thomas Boehm: 26 Jahre und 94 Tage: Und immer noch nicht genug

Forschung höchstpersönlich
Started in 2012 at the MPI-IE, the “Forschung höchstpersönlich” talk series offers a platform for our scientists to present their research to non-scientific staff, enhancing understanding and collaboration. Held quarterly and conducted in German, the talks are hosted by the institute's Public Relations Officer, fostering a deeper connection within the institute. [mehr]

Jörg Büscher – Metabolomik: Dem biochemischen Fingerabdruck des Stoffwechsels auf der Spur.

The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. ( [mehr]
The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. [mehr]

Dr. Benoît Kanzler - Von Mäusen, Menschen und Mausmodellen.

Forschung höchstpersönlich
The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. [mehr]

Polychronis Fatouros - CRISPR. Wie wir mit dem Immunsystem von Bakterien das Erbgut von Zellen und Organismen verändern.

Forschung höchstpersönlich
The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. [mehr]

Valérie Hilgers - Von Fliegenhirnen und Botenmolekülen. Wie wir mit Fruchtfliegen Nervenzellen erforschen.

Forschung höchstpersönlich
The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. [mehr]

Eirini Trompouki – Blutige Signalwege. Wie aus Stammzellen unser Blut entsteht.

Forschung höchstpersönlich
The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. [mehr]

Angelika Rambold – Organellen-Netzwerke. Wie sich die Organe unserer Zellen aufeinander abstimmen.

Forschung höchstpersönlich
The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. [mehr]

Dominic Grün – Zellen würfeln nicht? Wie Zellen zu ihrer Identität finden.

Forschung höchstpersönlich
The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. [mehr]

Gerhard Mittler – Massenspektronomie. Was das Wiegen von Eiweißen über unsere Zellen verrät

Forschung höchstpersönlich: Forschung höchstpersönlich
The talk series “Forschung höchstpersönlich” was established in 2012 at the MPI-IE. Four times a year, scientists of the institute present their research within a broader context to non-scientific employees to allow better insights into the performed research. The talks are hosted by the public relations officer of the institute and are given in German. [mehr]
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